Spot Solutions

   Enzyme Deodorant
Gal. - $14.95         5 Gallons - $71.95
Natural pet odor removal liquid contains the 4 most-effective bacteria strains for combating tough odors. Fresh peach fragrance gives immediate control, as enzymes continue to digest the original deposits. Works as long as moisture is present.

  Paint Oil & Grease Remover ..Our #1 Spotter
 Gallon - $19.49      5 Gallons - $83.95
100% solvent cleaner is a clear non-oily liquid which leaves no residue. Fast Acting & strong enough for worst paint, grease and ink spills, yet gentle enough for body oils on upholstery.
Dye Stain Remover    Qt.- $18.95     Gal.- $57.95
New reduction process (no red transfer) which removes ALL of the Red Food Dye from carpet. It is used with a heat-transfer iron technique and wet terry towel. No mixing or waste! Guaranteed to remove more "Red" than the product you use now!
 Guaranteed Pet Odor Removal Procedure
 Odor Attack Spotter - Our Best
  6# only $28.95    pH (10)

Dynachem's new solution for toughest odors. Active enzymes combined with Oxidizing Agents destroy the toughest odors and many stains! Coffee, Soft Drinks & Blood will disappear!
   Odor Control
Gallon - $12.99       6 Gal.- $12.49 ea.

Deodorizing has never been easier with this concentrated water-based counteractant that leaves carpets smelling fresh. Your choice of Peach, Lemon, or Cherry fragrances.

Odor Solv
Gallon - $24.95       4 Gal.- $24.50 ea.

Solvent-based deodorant is extremely long lasting and has a built-in odor counteractant! Choose from four concentrated fragrances:
Peach, Cherry, Lemon or Cinnamon
Citrus-Solv   Gallon - $35.95    $10.49 -Qt.
 Dynachem's 100% natural citrus solvent derived from edible fruit. Booster for cleaning agents and removes adhesives of all types. Natural citrus fragrance enhances customer satisfaction. Grease solvent for Presprays.
Powder Brightener   8# $19.95   25# $47.95
  Aggressive 100% Oxygen-Release powder for removal of difficult stains. Also brightens up "traffic lane grey" areas & grout lines. Prespray @ 2oz./ water. Grout @ 4oz./gal.
  pH-10.5 @ 2 oz./gallon
Fabric Brightener
Gallon - $10.95       5 Gal.- $52.95

Dynachem's hi-strength liquid oxidizer for stain removal and dingy traffic lanes. Booster for adding stain removal to cleaners. Removes natural dyes & organic stains when used with high pH spotter.
40 volume peroxide strength + penetrants - ORM D
 DynaCide Deodorant
 Qt. - $14.95       1 Gal. - $45.95

 Dilutes 8 oz. per Gallon
 DynaCide handles the toughest pet odors thru chemical pairing and neutralization.
Unique Lemon Fresh Fragrance...Spray, Extract & it's Gone !
 Vandalism Remover
 16 oz.- $8.30         $7.88ea. @12

 Our Best Ink Remover solubilizes the toughest ink stains. Solvents remove ink stains and with the aid of a Spotting Claw, removal is easy.
Aerosol container for easy application.

All Fiber Rinse
Gallon - $9.95       5 Gal.- $42.95

Our low pH rinsing agent removes all traces of detergent residue, leaving a baby soft hand on the carpet. It also prevents browning and removes acid-soluble stains. pH=3
  Rust Remover with spout
1 Gal.- $11.75      16 oz.- $6.95

Dynachem's new acid-based spotter for quick efficient removal of rust. Low pH (2) also reverses indicator dyes and assists dyeing on Stainresist carpet. Penetrating agents wet out the fiber bundle. Four hole spout cap for easy application.
 FiberBrite Powder Reducing Agent
  8# $20.95       2# $8.95
The best solution for coffee & yellow tannin stains.
This powder has a pH of 5.5. It is even suitable for upholstery fabrics and urine stains on wool carpeting.
Anti-Chlor, pH Reduction & Wool Rug Cleaning

   Microbial Deodorant SR
Gallon $15.99       4 Gal. $13.99 ea.
Industrial strength deodorizer handles the worst water damage and pet odors. It has a pleasant lemon fragrance, nonionic active and a pH of 7.     8 oz./Gallon

Dynachem UPS (Urine Prespray)
Gal.- $12.95    Case (4)- $12.49

Re-emulsifies urine deposits and neutralizes pet odors.
Prespray and rinse with extractor.
Acid rinse agent + effective deodorant.
 Blood Remover
 16 oz.- $5.95      1 Gal.- $12.95

 Dynachem's Blood Remover removes the toughest blood stains. Hi pH builders break down protein stains and with the aid of a Spotting Claw, removal is easy. Four hole spout cap for easy application.
 Spot Remover
 16 oz.- $2.99       48 - $95.52   Private Label Info

 Dynachem's "Encap" Spot Remover handles the toughest stains and won't wick back. Private Label available with your Name & Ph. # on front panel (min. 48). Four hole spout cap in pint for easy application.
  ThermoFog . . . Gallon - $24.95 . . Case 4 - $24.49 ea.
ThermoFog is a highly-concentrated, solvent-based, heat-activated odor counteractant specially formulated for application via thermal or ultra low volume fogging apparatus. Apply using a thermal fogger at a rate of 1 ounce/1000 cubic feet.
Haitian Cotton Shampoo
Gallon - $14.50      5 Gal.- $65.95

This high-foam product is what you'll want for your toughest natural fiber jobs! It uses reducing agents to prevent browning while still removing the toughest soils.
  Sporicidin . . .
 Phenolic Disinfectant
 6 Month Residual for Mold
 Duct Disinfectant
 Gallon - $28.99 . . Case 4 - $27.99 ea.

HydraMaster U-P-S - Urine Prespray
Gallon - $18.99 . . Case 4 - $17.99 ea.
Acid Treatment with Quat
  Spotting Kit

Spot Removal Chart

5 Gallon Packaging
Handle for Easy Positioning
Translucent for Product ID & Quantity Remaining
Stores and Dispenses on Shelf
3/4" Spout Available for Filling Gallons & Quarts

We now have 5 Gal. to 55 Gal. Concentrates !
Freight Prepaid on $400 Orders to Comm.Address . . .FAQ
Questions? Don't hesitate to give us a call.

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